Welcome! Whether growing flowers or growing the chapters of a book, I find inspiration in the natural world. My book, All the World in a Blade of Quack: Reclaiming a Garden/Growing a Gardener, will make you laugh, tell you a story, and maybe give you some inspiration, too. Here’s how it begins:
On hands and knees, I finished weeding a three-foot clump of peonies orbited by a galaxy of shiny, pink buds, and stretched to straighten out my back. I looked up to see how many clumps were left to go. Twenty-one. Oh dear. At the same moment, on the other side of the clump, a wild turkey straightened his neck up to see what had interrupted his lunch. Our eyes met. His bulged and didn’t have any lashes. He froze.
I screamed…
Life here in the garden is never dull. My Bloom Chronicles blog will keep you up to date on the land of quack. Beyond the garden, there are books for fiber fanciers and history buffs (The Founders, The Guardians and The Inheritors), books for children, and even a few poems. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them for you.